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How to Make a Photo Collage

Tulika Nair
There are some memories that always stay special. The best way to put these memories together is to make a photo collage. Here, we give you a very simple method of how to do exactly that.
Memories! There is nothing more precious in the world.
And what better way to keep those memories close to you than flipping through the photographs that you have to remind you of those moments. So, why not make a collage that will let you have those photos right in front of you every time you want to reminisce and take a walk down memory lane? Now make a simple collage of your favorite photos with these steps.

How to Make a Digital Collage

Most people think that learning how to make a digital collage takes a lot of effort, and more importantly, training in photo editing software. Nothing could be further from the truth. While it may take a little effort on your part, learning to make a composition of photos on Photoshop or any other photo editing software is extremely simple.
Here, we will tell you how to make a collage using a software like Photoshop elements.
● The first and foremost thing that you will need to do is to open a new document. The best size for this document would be around 8 by 10 inches, and the best resolution would be about 300.
● The next step would be to choose the pictures that you want to include. While starting out it is best to limit the number of pictures to less than ten.
● The next step would be to open the photos you have chosen with the photo-editing software. It is always advisable to make copies of the photos as you would not want to ruin the originals, if the collage does not turn out the way you expected it to.
● Once you have done this, you will need to resize all the pictures, depending on how you want them to look in the collage. While resizing, it may be a good idea to use the shift key and keep it held down to prevent any kind of distortion of the image.
● While creating a collage, it is important that you understand how to create a design that is balanced. You can do this by making one image slightly larger than the others, and making it the focus of the collage. Alternatively you can also choose to add captions to all the pics, and space them out.
● One of the most difficult steps is being able to blend all the photos together. In order to do this you will need to use the eraser-like tool that most photo editing software come with. The size of the eraser tool will need to be chosen depending on the size of the pic.
Blending is important in order to remove any hard edges around the pictures, and so that the collage looks like it is unified. Mastering blending will take effort and practice on your part, so do not get disheartened if it does not work out the first time.
Do remember that if you are new to these software, then the first time you create a collage, it may not turn out exactly like you had expected it to. In time, you will get better at creating such collages, and you can experiment with different designs, and also increase the number of photographs you are using.