Aerial Beach

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Aerial Beach Photography Pictures with Quick Tips

Amruta Joshi
Aerial Beach
aerial beach
Aerial photography is the technique of capturing photographs from an aircraft or other flying object.
Aerial photography is the technique of capturing photographs from an aircraft or other flying object.

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Here are some amazing aerial beach photographs with clear tips.
Here are some amazing aerial beach photographs with clear tips.

Piha Moon Beach in New Zealand

aerial beach
For aerial beach photography, choose your aircraft wisely.
For aerial beach photography, choose your aircraft wisely.
When you book your flight, consider the time of day and the angle of the sun.
When you book your flight, consider the time of day and the angle of the sun.
aerial beach
Use telephoto zoom lens for perfect click.
Use telephoto zoom lens for perfect click.
aerial beach
Fast shutter speed is key to capture aerial photographs, maintain a shutter speed above 1/500.
Fast shutter speed is key to capture aerial photographs, maintain a shutter speed above 1/500.
aerial beach
Keep autofocus and bracketing "ON".
Keep autofocus and bracketing "ON".
aerial beach
Don't stop shooting. Just click, click and click.
Don't stop shooting. Just click, click and click.
Use an aperture between f/5 and f/11 for amazing capture.
Use an aperture between f/5 and f/11 for amazing capture.
If you’re shooting through an open window, don’t be tempted to rest your camera on the window sill to avoid vibrations.
If you’re shooting through an open window, don’t be tempted to rest your camera on the window sill to avoid vibrations.
Lower altitude is better for adjusting background.
Lower altitude is better for adjusting background.
Use an advanced polarizing filter.
Use an advanced polarizing filter.
Use these tips and techniques for your photoshoot.
Use these tips and techniques for your photoshoot.